The First Two Months is a mini-memoir created from poetry, prose, and illustrations I created during the 2 months immediately after my father’s sudden death. I designed, printed, cut, and bound the first 20 copies myself using a bookbinder I bought online. I had 80 subsequent copies printed at a local print shop that was down the street from my apartment in Los Angeles. I still have about 15 copies.
For 3 years, I drew a cartoon every single day and posted them on Instagram (@len.10.10). These are some of them.
You can buy the book here.
He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) is the debut poetry book by poet Grant Chemidlin. I illustrated over 60 of the poems as well as the cover of the book. I also designed the interior of the book in its entirety. You can read more of Grant’s work on his Instagram @grantcpoetry
Includes work created with colored pencil, graphite, black ink, and marker. All paper is 11inx14in or larger.
Digital animated character designs, created for animated series pitches to various tv streaming services and networks.